Financial Literacy Training
The need for financial literacy is rapidly increasing among teenagers as the number of money management alternatives increases. According to a 2008 study of over 6,500 teenagers who took the basic personal finance survey, 73.9% received a failing score. The Kentucky Career Center - Bluegrass is dedicated to expanding the knowledge of today’s workforce toward financial responsibility and to ensuring you are prepared to succeed in the economic future. Workshops are presented on various topics including budgeting, direct deposit, personal saving, investing, etc. These workshops are presented by various financial experts throughout the Bluegrass area.
If you need immediate assistance please call: 859/267-2223.
In Need of Employment Assistance?
The goal of this program is to help individuals find full-time suitable employment. Our Case Managers or Talent Development Specialists will work with individuals referred to the program in the order they are received and will put priority on assisting them with finding employment. Interested individuals should visit the referral form page by following the link below to begin the process.