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Work Experience & Internships

Work experience can include internships are paid through the Kentucky Career Center - Bluegrass/American Job Center to assist you in gaining necessary experience. General work experience provides you with the opportunity to improve your general skills, knowledge, and work habits necessary for successful employment.


Internship opportunities give you hands-on experience to gain occupational skills in a career setting. It allows you to explore career opportunities, typically in a high-demand career field.


Most importantly, work experience allows you to gain valuable experience and accomplishments to add to your resume and create the potential for a full-time job offer at the end of your placement based on overall performance.

Work Experience & Internships:

  • The exact duration will be set as appropriate for your employment goals, background, and skill level as reflected in the individual employment plan.

  • The hourly rate will not be less than $10.00 per hour.

  • Help you gain the competencies and experience to meet local employer demands.

  • Be related to a career choice and provide learning through work-based projects.

In Need of Employment Assistance?

The goal of this program is to help individuals find full-time suitable employment. Our Case Managers or Talent Development Specialists will work with individuals referred to the program in the order they are received and will put priority on assisting them with finding employment. Interested individuals should visit the referral form page by following the link below to begin the process.

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