Transitions 2 Transformation (T2T)
I’ve used other paths to try to find employment, how can T2T get me a job when other ways haven’t worked?
T2T is different because it is built on the already successful series of Work-Based Learning programs currently employed across the country and builds on these programs by utilizing federal legislation, which makes allowances for transitional opportunities for individuals facing some of the most severe barriers to employment, including:
Previous criminal justice system involvement
Current or past participation in a certified Substance Abuse Recovery Program
Current involvement with the correctional system, including Probation and Parole and Drug Court Programs.
Or other barriers, such as individuals who identify as English Language Learners.
T2T matches job seekers with significant barriers to employment to employers who see you for your future not your past.
At its core, T2T is a service delivery method to address the needs of both you, the jobseeker, and employers in the Bluegrass. This is done by working with you one-on-one on employability skills -- ensuring you’re ready with a resume, and interview skills, and have a support system to prevent those previous barriers from holding you back. Once that is in place, we begin matching you with employers who understand your past is not who you are and will work with you to help you achieve success.
Client Testimonials
How does it work?
Great question! Once enrolled, we begin working with you on the basics: resume, interview skills, and talking with your support system. Now is the time to find a match, once matched you’re placed with industry partners in Work-Based Learning opportunities (Internships, Work Experience, etc.).
That’s it, I’m hired?
Not quite, the goal is for you to be hired permanently, but you are working as their employee and paid by us through this program.
How much am I paid?
That will depend on where we make a match because you are paid at the SAME WAGE during this program as another employee of the business you’re placed with. We do this to allow the employers and you to succeed. Transitioning these you into the regular workforce through steady full-time work at zero risk to the employer, while you’re learning the ropes.
Do I get to choose where I am hired?
Yes, of course. You will have the opportunity to interview each employer who appears to be a good match with your career goals and who is participating in this program. We want both you and the employer to feel confident of the fit.
What if it doesn’t work out?
Ultimately, our goal is to find full-time permanent employment for you, but if it is not a good fit even after working with you and the employer, we will work with you to find another location that will be a better fit.
What if I’m not hired at the end of my hours?
We keep looking! You now have a resume, interview skills, a strong support system, and experience! Just because your work experience has ended, doesn’t mean you’re on your own. We will help you continue to look for as long as you need us.
How do I get more information?
If you would like to learn more about this program, and the many other job seeker services available to you at NO COST through the Kentucky Career Center - Bluegrass/American Job Center, contact a Talent Development Specialist today.
In Need of Employment Assistance?
The goal of this program is to help individuals find full-time suitable employment. Our Case Managers or Talent Development Specialists will work with individuals referred to the program in the order they are received and will put priority on assisting them with finding employment. Interested individuals should visit the referral form page by following the link below to begin the process.